2023, Vol. 10, No. s1. - go to content...
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DOI: 10.15862/16FAOR123 (https://doi.org/10.15862/16FAOR123)
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For citation:
Turgaev S.K., Turgaeva A.A., Voronin I.V. Increasing the energy efficiency of an indirect refrigeration system through automation. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2023; 10(s1). Available at: https://resources.today/PDF/16FAOR123.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/16FAOR123
Increasing the energy efficiency of an indirect refrigeration system through automation
Turgaev Sayar Kuangalievich
ITMO University, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: s_turgaeva@mail.ru
Turgaeva Aksana Albekovna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: AATurgaeva@fa.ru
Voronin Ilya Vasilievich
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University)
Lipetsk Cossack Institute of Technology and Management (branch), Lipetsk, Russia
E-mail: iv@voronin86.ru
Abstract. In this publication, the authors explore in detail ways to improve the energy efficiency of the refrigeration system with an intermediate coolant. After all, cold systems are systems that are used to cool and preserve food in factories, shops and homes. Their efficiency directly affects the safety of products, as well as saving energy and resources. Automation is one of the methods to increase the energy efficiency of a cooling system. This technology can help to manage the processes of the system in automatic mode, which reduces the human factor and increases the accuracy of control. Automation can help identify possible problems and malfunctions in the refrigeration system, which reduces equipment downtime. Automation is not the only way to increase the energy efficiency of a refrigeration system. Optimizing heat transfer can also greatly improve system performance. This method aims to reduce heat loss and improve heat exchange, which helps to reduce the energy consumption of the system. Also, the installation of energy-saving devices and the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants can greatly improve the efficiency of the system. The authors draw attention to the importance of developing individual solutions for each cooling system, which take into account its specifics and features. Such solutions may include not only automation, but also other methods for optimizing the operation of the system. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to improve the energy efficiency of the refrigeration system, it is necessary to use an integrated approach, which includes automation, heat exchange optimization, installation of energy-saving devices, the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants, as well as the development of individual solutions for each particular refrigeration system.
Keywords: refrigeration units; refrigerants; indirect cooling; evaporators; refrigerant; automation; energy efficiency

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