Terms of publication
Dear author! You can get acquainted with a brief version of the publication conditions in order to get a general sense of the article publication in the Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling.
The full version of the publication conditions contains the detailed information on the issues of reviewing incoming manuscripts, copyright, publication ethics and other important points. In the event you decided to publish an article in our journal, it is necessary to become acquainted with the full version of the publication conditions.
The full version of the publication conditions…
Brief publication conditions:
Themes of articles
Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling accepts for publication the research articles on pedagogy and psychology specialties:
5.2.1. Economic Theory (Economic Sciences)
5.2.3. Regional and Sectoral Economics (Economic Sciences)
5.2.5. World Economy (Economic Sciences)
1.6.20. Geoinformatics, Cartography (Engineering Sciences)
1.6.20. Geoinformatics, Cartography (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)
1.6.21. Geoecology (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)
1.6.21. Geoecology (Geographical Sciences)
2.3.1. Systems Analysis, Information Management and Processing, Statistics (Engineering Sciences)
2.3.3. Automation and Management of Technological Processes and Production (Engineering Sciences)
2.3.4. Management in organizational systems (technical sciences)
Who is allowed to publish an article?
We pay your attention that Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling does not publish articles, where the sole author is a student or a graduate student. The works of students and graduate students can be published only under condition of the co-authorship with the candidate or doctor of sciences.
Features of the journal
The Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling is an open access journal.
Our journal is exclusively a network publication, we do not produce a printed version.
In the journal is applied article based publishing.
Authors’ rights
Our journal publishes the articles under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC -BY) license.
Publication ethics
The editorial staff and editorial board are guided by the standards elaborated by the Committee on the Publication Ethics (COPE) — http://publicationethics.org/ and norms prescribed in the Declaration of the Russian association of science editors and publishers entitled «Ethical principles of the scientific publications».
All manuscripts submitted to Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling are subject to double blind peer review process.
Prior to publication in the journal all articles undergo a checkout for the presence of borrowings. The articles containing less than 80% of unique text are not published in the journal.
Duplicate publications
The articles submitted for publication in the Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling should not be published earlier, and at the time of accession to the editorial office should not be under consideration in other journals.
Policy of the article retraction
In the event of the discovery of violations of publication ethic standards by the author, detection of plagiarisms, duplicate publications, as well as in a number of other cases the editorial staff of the journal may fall back to recall (retraction) of the article.
Indexing in the scientific repositories and bibliographic systems, DOI
Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index and Google Scholar.
The materials published in the journal are transferred to the Scientific Technical Centre «Informregistr» for registration and storage.
All articles published in the journal are assigned DOIs (digital object identifiers).
Publication Fees
The activity of the Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling is financed at the expense of authors wishing to publish the results of scientific research. Get to know publication fees, listed below.
The full version of the publication conditions
Revision of June 29, 2017
Dear author, if you publish in our journal for the first time, we ask you to carefully read the texts below.
- Open access journal
- Article based publishing
- Author’s rights
- Publication ethics
- Reviewing
- Policy of anti-plagiarism
- Policy of the article retraction
- Indexing in the scientific repositories and bibliographic systems, DOI
- Publication Fees
Open access journal
The Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling is an open access one. Open access means that the authors provide the results of their research (in the form of a full-text version of a scientific article) for a wide free-of-charge distribution through any mass media (open access). The Internet enables the largest possible number of stakeholders to learn the results of scientist’s work and use a reference to his work in the process of further work.
Our journal provides the direct open access to its content on the basis of the following principle: a free public access to the results of research contributes to increase in volume of the global exchange of knowledge.
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Article based publishing
Our journal is exclusively a network publication, we do not produce a printed version.
Due to this, in our journals we can apply an article based publishing, similar to that used by «Elsevier» publishing house and implicating the publication of articles according to their availability, regardless of other articles of issue.
In a certain period, the journal staff accepts the articles for publication in a certain issue. On completing this period the receipt of articles in the next issue of the journal begins, whereas a work with articles received in the last issue is continuing. The articles are published as they become available in the issue in which they came. If the work with article is delayed for one reason or another, the editorial staff may decide to move it to the next issue and, ultimately, publish in it. When work with all articles of the issue ends, it is transferred for placement in the Russian Science Citation Index.
Article based publishing implies the fact that each article is available as a separate, independent document in the Internet network. Each article has its own, unique URL. In these circumstances there is no need to assign the page numbers to each article within the issue. In this connection, the page numbering in each article published in our journal starts from «1», which is practiced by network publications all over the world, for example, in PLoS journals, in journals of BioMed Central Publishing House, etc.
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Author’s rights
The right of authorship belongs to the authors of articles.
The entire content of The Eurasian Scientific Journal is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.
Creative Commons — is a nonprofit organization and the same name family of public licenses. Basis of the Creative Commons idea lies in the fact that the author, publishing his work under the terms of license, may transfer some of his rights to community, retaining others. This contributes to providing broader, free and above all the legal usage of creative works.
Our journal publishes articles on the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC -BY) license. It is the most free of all family Creative Commons license, which allows consumers of content to copy, distribute, reproduce, perform and refine your work protected by the authors’ rights, provided naming the author of work, that is the most convenient when publishing scientific works in the open access.
In the last few years, usage of this license in the scientific community has become common practice. Under the terms of CC-BY license the articles are published in journals of PLOS project, the scientific electronic library KiberLeninka and many other journals and databases of the scientific papers in Russia and abroad. Under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license the materials of the Russian Federation President’s website www.kremlin.ru are published.
Before publication of article in our journal we encourage authors to become familiar with the terms of the license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed) and its full text (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode), as well as make sure that you understand how the license is working.
The editorial board of The Eurasian Scientific Journal acts in accordance with chapter 70, part 4 of the Civil Code (http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_64629/).
According to this law the following objects are NOT subjects of a copyright, i.e. they are not protected and registered:
- ideas, methods, processes, systems, means, concepts, principles, discoveries;
- official documents;
- state symbols and signs;
- folk art works;
- news on events and facts that have an informational character.
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Publication ethics
The editorial staff and editorial board are guided by the standards elaborated by the Committee on the Publication Ethics (COPE) — http://publicationethics.org and norms prescribed in the Declaration of the Russian association of science editors and publishers entitled «Ethical principles of the scientific publications».
Ethical rules for authors
- The published research results must be obtained in accordance with the ethical standards without violation any laws and rights.
- The authors should use the reliable and well-tried methods of data analysis and processing, as well as methods of rendering results (they should consult with specialists if necessary).
- The researchers are collectively responsible for the content of their publications. At each stage of the work they should carefully check their publications in order that all methods and the results were correctly described. The authors should check the calculations, formulae, tabular and graphic materials.
- The researchers should publish their results honestly, without falsifications or distortion of results. Images obtained in the course of studies ( X-ray images, photos, etc.) should not be modified.
- The researchers should seek to the fullest and unambiguous description of methods used and the results. The authors ought to use the adopted style of exposition. Publications are to contain the sufficient information in order that other researchers were able to retry the experiments described. The restrictions applied in studies are to be described in the publication.
- The authors should not use references to the literature from other publications, if they themselves did not work with this literature.
- The authors are responsible for the originality of the work presented and ensure that this work was not published in other publishing house in any language.
- The authors should follow the accepted laws and conventions. The copyright material can be used only with permission of the copyright holder and appropriate indication.
- Data, text, images or ideas created and developed by other authors must be submitted with the appropriate references. The original text taken from the third party works is to be cited in quotes. For more detail, see Anti-plagiarism policy.
- The authors should inform publishers that the submitted results have been previously published or there are works dedicated to another type of analysis of the same data, etc., which are at present under consideration in other journals. Copies of these works shall be attached to the article.
- Publications being a continuation of any work must refer to this work. The existence of different translations of work or its adaptations for different audiences, which must have a reference to the original work, must be also indicated. If the author is in doubt, then the best way is to apply to the author of the original work for permission.
- All sources of funding for research, equipment and materials must be specified in the work. The authors should also indicate the role of sponsors in the development of study of its execution, analysis and publication of results.
- The researchers have to ensure that the list of sponsors includes only those, who contributed much to the development of work, and to ensure that people, who have earned this right, are not deprived of it.
- All authors must give their consent to inclusion in the list of authors, as well as compliance with the latest version of the published work. Any changes in the list of authors are to be approved by all authors both included in the list and excluded. The responsible author is an only intermediary between the editorial staff of journal and the rest of the authors, and he should support the other co-authors informing them about the main stages of publication.
- The authors need to work in collaboration with the journal’s editorial staff to correct errors or omissions, if there are found in the article.
- The authors must satisfy requirement that at the same time the work is to be considered only in one journal (publishing house).
- The authors should respond to the reviewers’ comments correctly and in due time.
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The presence of the Institute of reviewing (for expert evaluation of manuscripts) is one of the basic requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (WAC) to the scientific journals, where the research results are published.
Articles are published in Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling and go the bilateral blind review procedure.
Rules of reviewing
The decision on the publication is accepted by the journal’s editorial staff on the basis of reviews that contain the reviewers’ expert evaluations considering compliance of the submitted materials with a thematic scope of the science journal, their scholarly importance and relevance.
One-way and/or two-way blind review is/are used in the journal (the reviewer does not know, who is the author of article, the author of article does not know, who is the reviewer). This review is carried out by forces of the journal editorial board members or third-party experts from the expert database (reviewers) on behalf of the publisher.
In each case the time limits of reviewing is determined by the editorial staff with consideration for conditions for the maximum prompt publication of articles.
The review must contain a qualified analysis of the article material and its objective evaluation. The reviewer gives a recommendation (positive or negative) about the possibility for publication of the article.
The editorial office sends notes to the author with a proposal to take into account the recommendations when preparing a new version of an article or refute them in a well-argued manner. The new article reworked by author is resent to the author for reviewing. In the case of the reviewer’s positive opinion the article is queued for publication.
The ultimate decision on publication of the controversial articles is accepted by the chief editor or deputy chief editor.
The reviewer cannot be the author (co-author) of the peer-reviewed article.
Responsibility for the quality of the reviews and timeliness of reviewing manuscripts of articles remain with the chief editor of the journal.
Ethical rules for reviewers
- A review of manuscript must take place in an atmosphere of confidentiality. The reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the authors’ intellectual property and they are related to the highly confidential information. Presenting a manuscript for review, the authors entrust reviewers with results of their scientific work and creative effort, on which their reputation and career may depend. Disclosure of the confidential details of the manuscript review violates a copyright. The reviewers should not communicate information concerning the manuscript (including information on its receipt, content, review process, reviewers’ criticisms and ultimate decision), none but the authors themselves. Breach of confidentiality is possible only in the case of application on uncertainty or falsification of materials, in all other cases its preservation is obligatory.
- The reviewers are not permitted to make copies of articles for their needs. They must not use their knowledge on the contents of work before its publication in their own interests.
- Any chosen reviewer, who feels inadequate qualification for consideration of the manuscript or hasn’t sufficient time for a quick work performance, should notify the editor of Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling and ask to exclude him from the process of reviewing relevant manuscript.
- Any manuscript received for review should be considered as a confidential document. One cannot open this work and discussed it with any persons who have not authority from the Editor.
- The reviewer must give an objective assessment. The personal criticism of author is unacceptable. Reviewers should clearly and reasonably express their opinions.
- The reviewers should not participate in the examination of manuscripts in case of conflicts of interests as a result of the competitive, cooperative and other interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies or other institutions associated with the submitted work.
The review content requirements
- The review must include a qualified analysis of the article material, its objective and compelling assessment and clearly well-founded recommendations.
- In the review the special attention should be given to coverage of the following issues:
- Timeliness analysis of the topic and scientific level of the article.
- Compliance of the article content with its title.
- Assessment of the article preparedness for publication in respect of language and style, as well as conformance to the specified requirements for designing the article materials.
- The scientific character of statement and compliance of the methods, techniques, guidelines and research results used by author with the modern science.
- The adequacy and rationality of the scope of the article as a whole and its individual elements (text, illustrations, literature references). The expediency of the illustrative material location in the article and its compliance with the stated theme.
- Place of the peer-reviewed manuscript in the historiography: whether or not it duplicates the works of other authors or the previously printed works of this author (both in whole and in part).
- The comments and wishes of the reviewer should be objective, principal and aimed at raising the scientific level of manuscript.
- The final part of the review must contain the well-founded conclusions on the article as a whole and a clear, unambiguous recommendation on expediency or inexpediency of its publication or remarks allowing the author to make corrections.
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Policy of anti-plagiarism
From the viewpoint of the editorial office the plagiarism is:
- usage (verbatim citation) of any materials in any scope without source identification;
- usage of images, figures, photos, tables, graphs, charts and any other forms of graphical representation of information without source identification;
- usage of images, figures, photos, tables, graphs, charts and any other forms of graphical representation of information published in the scientific and popular editions without consent of a copyright holder;
- usage of materials without written permission, the authors or copyright holders of which prohibit the use of their materials without special consent.
The editorial board does not approve the excessive number of citations, even completed in the right way. The permissible amount of citations prescribed by the editorial board is no more than 20% of the total scope of the article. Reviews and other articles, requiring a large number of citations due to objective factors, are considered by the editorial board individually.
Self-citation is valid only under the condition of correct registration of references to all sources. In case the author wants to publish a significant part of the material already published somewhere earlier, the article should clearly indicate where the materials were published and what caused such a need.
Borrowing сheck of materials
All articles published in the journal undergo multi-rate check by the method developed in the editorial board, which includes the use of various instruments.
In the case of borrowings detection the editorial board carries out its assessment, in the course of which the authorship of borrowed text, presence or absence of citation completed in a proper manner and type of source, i.e. a scientific article, monograph, these, book, study guide or simply text found in the network without the clear indication of authorship, are taken into account. Based on this analysis the editorial board accepts a decision about the possibility or impossibility of the article publication.
In the case of taking a negative decision the editorial board informs the author on this giving a list of borrowings that have been discovered. Provided that percentage of the original text of article does not exceed 50 %, the editorial board reserve the right to deny publication without indication of concrete borrowings.
Please note that since 2017 the editorial staff made decision on a repetitive plagiarism check of the already published materials. This enable us to:
- escape the consequences of the «fanned» mailings of article by the authors to several journals at the same time, as a result of which the same article may be republished in several editions;
- detect the plagiarisms, which could not be identified at the time of articles publication due to the non-availability of materials on open access.
The repetitive check of articles will be held twice: every other year and two years after publication. In case of revealing plagiarisms, which could not be detected earlier or fact of article publication in another edition, the article can be retracted in accordance with the rules of retraction.
Discovery of techniques artificially increasing the text uniqueness
In recent times the cases of usage of different software products and services by authors, who artificially overstate the text uniqueness during the check, became more frequent.
The editorial board of Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling strongly discourages to use any techniques that allow one to improve assessment of the text. The editorial staff has the sufficient technical and methodological basis to disclose all these techniques.
We inform you that the articles, in which the editorial staff revealed the evidence of technical modifications to artificially increase the uniqueness of text, are not published in the journal (even in the case of improvement). If the article publication has already been paid, the money for the publication are not returned.
Duplicate publications
The articles submitted for publication in the Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling should not be published earlier, and at the time of accession to the editorial office should not be under consideration in other journals.
If the material submitted by the author has already been published in whole or in part, the author undertakes to notify the editorial office of this matter, as well as to substantiate the need of such publication. The decision on all such cases is made by the editorial board on case-by-case basis. In case of the detection of publications that fully or partially duplicate the articles of the Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling, the editorial board reserves the right to recall (retract) such article.
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Policy of the article retraction
Based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the editorial board is guided by the following policy regarding the article retraction:
Journal editors should consider retracting a publication if:
- they have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error);
- the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper crossreferencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication);
- it constitutes plagiarism;
- it reports unethical research.
The purpose of retraction
Retraction is a mechanism for correcting the literature and alerting readers to publications that contain such seriously flawed or erroneous data that their findings and conclusions cannot be relied upon. Unreliable data may result from honest error or from research misconduct.
Retractions are also used to alert readers to cases of redundant publication (i.e. when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism, and failure to disclose a major competing interest likely to influence interpretations or recommendations.
The main purpose of retractions is to correct the literature and ensure its integrity rather than to punish authors who misbehave.
The articles may be retracted by their author(s) or a journal editor.
In the case of article retraction the funds received by the Publishing House from the author(s) for the editorial-and- publishing services are not returned.
Dear authors! According to the international rules of the scientific publication ethics the already published article cannot be completely removed from the journal website. Be careful posting your article for publication!
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Indexing in the scientific repositories and bibliographic systems, DOI
Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling is indexed in the following scientific databases and directories:
Russian Science Citation Index is a bibliographic database of scientific publications in Russian. It accumulates more than 2 million publications of Russian authors, as well as information about citing these publications from more than 2000 Russian journals. The Russian Science Citation Index has been developed since 2005 by the Scientific Electronic Library. The page of the journal in the Russian Science Citation Index…
Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004, the Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online academic journals and books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and other scholarly literature, including court opinions and patents. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling in Google Scholar…
All articles are assigned the Digital Object Identifier – DOI.
Digital Object Identifier or DOI is a persistent identifier or handle used to uniquely identify objects, standardized by the ISO. An implementation of the Handle System, DOIs are in wide use mainly to identify academic, professional, and government information, such as journal articles, research reports and data sets, and official publications though they also have been used to identify other types of information resources, such as commercial videos.
A DOI aims to be «resolvable», usually to some form of access to the information object to which the DOI refers. This is achieved by binding the DOI to metadata about the object, such as a URL, indicating where the object can be found. Thus, by being actionable and interoperable, a DOI differs from identifiers such as ISBNs and ISRCs which aim only to uniquely identify their referents. The DOI system uses the indecs Content Model for representing metadata.
The DOI for a document remains fixed over the lifetime of the document, whereas its location and other metadata may change. Referring to an online document by its DOI provides more stable linking than simply using its URL, because if its URL changes, the publisher only needs to update the metadata for the DOI to link to the new URL.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned through Association of Scientific Publishing Houses CrossRef, being the official DOI registration agency for the scientific and professional publications.
The materials published in the journal are transferred to the Scientific Technical Centre «Informregistr» for registration and storage. The purpose of this pilot project is a collection, bibliographic control, as well as registration and storage of electronic publications publishing on the territory of the Russian Federation. Journals of the publishing house in the Catalog of electronic publications of the network distribution…
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Publication Fees
The activity of the Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling is financed at the expense of authors wishing to publish the results of scientific research.
Payment for the editorial and publishing services is made only after the article will be accepted for publication. The fee is not charged for submitting an article, inspection and reviewing it.
The money funds received from the provision of editorial and publishing services are spent on maintaining the journal’s website, ensuring seamless access to the published articles, paying for transfer of the published articles to Russian Science Citation Index and covering of the editorial expenses related to the publication of scientific research provided by the authors.
Publication Fees
With the volume of publication from 10-12 (without considering metadata) to 50-60 thousand characters with spaces:
- cost of publication — 6 900 rubles;
- estimated date of publication — 40 working days (preliminary inspection — up to 10 working days, review — up to 20 working days, makeup up and placement on the journal’s website — up to 10 working days).
The author receives requisites and instructions on payment after the decision will be taken to publish the article.
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