Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling

2019, Vol. 6, No. 3. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/02ECOR319 (

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For citation:

Stepanenko I.B., Soromotin A.V., Lekomtsev A.V. Environmental problems caused by the activities of oil and gas companies and actions to reduce environmental harm. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2019; 6(3). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/02ECOR319

Environmental problems caused by the activities of oil and gas companies and actions to reduce environmental harm

Stepanenko Ivan Borisovich
Perm national research polytechnic university, Perm, Russia

Soromotin Andrey Vitalievich
Perm national research polytechnic university, Perm, Russia

Lekomtsev Alexander Viktorovich
Perm national research polytechnic university, Perm, Russia

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze the environmental problems caused by the activities of the oil and gas sector.

The problem of the study is the most significant, as Russia is a major state for the production and processing of oil and gas products, so many regions face serious environmental problems.

The objectives of the study – to reveal the environmental problems in the activities of oil and gas companies in Russia, to analyze the environmental rating of oil and gas companies in Russia.

The author also presents an analysis of the activities of the oil and gas sector to date. It has a huge impact on the environment of many countries. There are serious environmental problems that harm the life of all living beings of the planet.

It is concluded that oil and gas companies have realized the importance of existing problems and pursues the goal of its improvement, improvement of industrial processes to eliminate environmental damage. Indicative in our country is the environmental rating of oil and gas companies, where the leading position is occupied by companies pursuing sustainable development and caring for the environment, which certainly affects their reputation.

In addition, the article provides an example of the actions of LUKOIL – recognized in 2018 as the most open company that publishes all information on environmental safety.

Keywords: oil and gas sector; environmental problems; environmental rating; environmental safety; LUKOIL

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