Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling
The «Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling» is an actual interdisciplinary scientific publication.
Subject-matter of the journal combines studies of the human environment and changes in the life-supporting resources under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, their protection, control and rational use.
Among the issues covered in the publication there are the environmental safety of the urban and rural territories and settlements, enterprises and municipal service and facilities, protection of the natural environment, processing and utilization of waste various by the origin and identification of the possibility for their transformation into resources.
One of the most actual tasks for Russia consists in bringing its economy to a steady-development level that does not depend on crises, sanctions and other negative circumstances and provides the widest opportunities for next generations of Russian people.
This task can be solved on the condition of optimal and most effective use of all types of resources, including so-called «waste».
The optimal management for the use of various resources is designed to promote the development of society and a process of positive changes in the ecological, cultural and material living standards of the population. At the same time, the optimal management for the use of resources means provision of the pre-emptive reproduction or creation of the new substitute resource in relation to the dwindling one.
The goal of the «Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling» is to contribute to the formation of an open information environment for the effective interchange of information, opinions and results of the scientific research in the field of environmental problems, treatment and utilization of waste and the use of natural and secondary resources.
Our Journal:
- is an electronic periodical, registered as a mass medium in Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs of the Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communication Media (the mass media registration certificate EL № FS77-63645 under date of 10 November 2015);
- according to GOST 7.83-2001 journal is a network electronic publication. It is an electronic publication available for potentially unlimited number of users via telecommunication networks;
- all articles published in the journal are stored in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU;
- The materials published in the journal are transferred to the Scientific Technical Centre «Informregistr» for registration and storage.
Open access journal
The «Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling» is an open access journal, which means that all its content freely avaliable without charge to the user or his\her institution. Users are alowed to read, download, distribute, copy, print, search, or link to the full text of the papers, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior premission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access.
Open access means that the authors provide the results of their research (in the form of a full-text version of a scientific article) for a wide free-of-charge distribution through any mass media (open access). The Internet enables the largest possible number of stakeholders to learn the results of scientist’s work and use a reference to his work in the process of further work.
Our journal provides the direct open access to its content on the basis of the following principle: a free public access to the results of research contributes to increase in volume of the global exchange of knowledge.
Authors’ rights
The entire content of the «Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling» is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).
This license allows other persons to distribute, edit, correct and use your work as a basis, even on a commercial basis, as long as they indicate your authorship.
Advantages of the network scientific journal:
- the publication capability of articles with a large volume of colored illustrations and multimedia forms, because the online format makes it possible not to limit the author’s needs in the most diverse forms for presentation of the scientific research results;
- the article-by-article placement — the issue is formed gradually, the articles are posted on the journal’s website as they become available and reviewed;
- the cost of publication does not depend on the number of pages — the volume of article is limited only by the framework of a reasonable approach to the necessary amount of material to cover the research conducted by the author;
- the publication period is shorter — the editorial cycle is shortened due to the absence of a stage of typographical makeup, printing and distribution of copies to authors;
- an access to articles from around the world and open-ended opportunities for dissemination of information — an article published in the network journal of free access can be sent in seconds flat to colleagues, uploaded to the organization’s website, placed on the social networks, at cetera.