Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling

2023, Vol. 10, No. 3. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/10ECOR323 (

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For citation:

Shvaika O.I., Shorenko I.N. Development of an investment project of a small enterprise for the production of metal doors using the Project Expert 6 Holding program. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2023; 10(3). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/10ECOR323

Development of an investment project of a small enterprise for the production of metal doors using the Project Expert 6 Holding program

Shvaika Olʹga Ivanovna
Moscow Witte University
Ryazan branch, Ryazan, Russia

Shorenko Irina Nikolaevna
Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Pushkin, Russia

Abstract. The purpose of the work. The purpose of the work is to develop an investment project for the opening of a small enterprise for the production of metal doors using the Project Expert 6 Holding program on the example of Metal: Doors LLC.

The relevance of the work. The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the fact that at present stable success in any business can be obtained only by solving the problems of its profitable development and a detailed analysis of information about its condition and prospects, sales segments and competitors. Therefore, when planning and forecasting the activities of an enterprise, it is always necessary to develop a business plan. Any business owner should be aware of the importance of properly developing a business plan as a basis for cooperation with potential investors, banks and other financial intermediaries. In this regard, the authors identified the need to develop a business plan for a small enterprise for the production of metal doors using the analytical system Project Expert 6.0.

The method or methodology of the work. The research is based on a general scientific methodology, which provides for the application of a systematic approach to solving the problems of organizing a small enterprise for the production of metal doors by developing a specific business plan using the analytical system Project Expert 6.0 on the example of a newly created enterprise.

Results. In this work, a business plan of a small enterprise was developed on the example of LLC «Metal: doors» for the production of metal doors. In a highly competitive environment, any aspiring entrepreneur first needs to draw up a business plan for organizing a business, and only after receiving preliminary financial results begin to implement it. When developing a business plan to obtain real results, you can use the analytical system Project Expert 6.0. The business plan developed in this study for the organization of a small enterprise for the production of metal doors using the analytical system Project Expert 6.0 is typical and can be used as a guide to practical actions in organizing any type of business.

The paper considers the method of traditional business planning, designed for analysis and decision-making in uncertain situations based on the modeling of an enterprise for the production of metal doors. The scope of the results. The results of the conducted research can be used in the organization of enterprises for the production of metal doors, as well as for any other types of business.

Conclusions. In general, all of the above will lead to further development of the competitive environment and small business in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: analytical system Project Expert 6.0; business plan; metal doors; modeling; small enterprise; production; management

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