Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling

2024, Vol. 11, No. 1. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/15NZOR124 (

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For citation:

Fleenko A.S. Cartographic models in environmental studies. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2024; 11(1). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/15NZOR124

Cartographic models in environmental studies

Fleenko Anton Sergeevich
Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. In this paper, as part of the preparation for a dissertation study on the creation of an eco-cartographic tool of geographic information systems, we consider the use of cartographic models in environmental research. Modeling is a widely used research method in various scientific fields, characterized by its versatility. It can be adapted to solve a variety of tasks, but within specific scientific fields it may undergo large-scale changes due to the nature of the tasks at hand. Cartographic materials are a special kind of modeling, which is not included in standard classifications because of its unique properties. Cartographic models have specific properties that allow them to study complex natural and human-made systems while taking into account spatial components and preserving key parameters. Thematic maps, which are the main means of presenting research findings in the field of Earth sciences, require the use of cartography and geoinformatics in the study of objects and phenomena. This paper provides justification for the significant role that cartographic models and the tools of geoinformation systems play in environmental research. Environmental research is considered a complex system of interconnected processes, and this paper demonstrates how cartographic materials and geographic information systems can be used at different stages to make it more effective. The paper breaks down and presents graphical visualizations using the Business-Process Modeling Notation method to model and describe business-processes. The results show that using cartographic materials and geographic information systems in environmental research allows for more effective preparation of work, studying the relationships between various objects and environmental phenomena, and developing recommendations and strategies for managing risk. The creation of eco-cartographic materials using geographic information systems helps to develop geoinformatics and cartography, as well as contributing to the field of ecology. These materials provide increased visibility for materials that illustrate environmental parameters.

Keywords: system analysis; modeling method; model classification; thematic mapping; geoinformation systems; eco-cartographic models; environmental studies

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