Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Russian Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling

2023, Vol. 10, No. 1. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/64ECOR123 (

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For citation:

Kuzmin G.S. Modern manifestations of the impact of internal conflicts on staff turnover and economic security of the organization. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2023; 10(1). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/64ECOR123

Modern manifestations of the impact of internal conflicts on staff turnover and economic security of the organization

Kuzmin Gleb Sergeevich
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Academic adviser: Prasolov Valeriy Ivanovich
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The purpose of this work is to analyze the modern manifestations of the impact of internal conflicts on staff turnover and economic security of the organization. The author of this work has derived the definition of a corporate conflict, which is an event aimed at disorganizing an economic entity and capable of causing significant damage to an organization, which can be expressed both in direct losses and in lost opportunities. The negative consequences of internal conflicts were identified, which are expressed in a decrease in team cohesion, a decrease in working capacity, as well as an increase in tension. At the same time, the most significant loss for business is the dismissal of a qualified specialist, since his efficiency and effectiveness improves the main indicators of the organization’s economic activity. The paper examined the key classifications of internal conflicts in the organization, namely: conflicts according to the direction of action (“horizontal”, “vertical”, and also “mixed”), conflicts according to the meaning for employees and the organization (constructive and destructive). The author found that the impact of internal conflicts depends on the specifics of the organization’s activities, in connection with this, a specific area was chosen to study the specifics, in the case of this work, the real estate business was studied. Based on the results of the study of specific features, it was noted that in order to minimize the likelihood of internal conflicts leading to staff turnover in the real estate agency and related areas, it is important to ensure the motivation of real estate specialists. In the final part of the work, the author formed conclusions regarding potential options for the development of situations related to corporate conflicts.

Keywords: internal conflict; staff turnover; economic security; corporate culture; qualified specialists; business; real estate

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