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DOI: 10.15862/07ECOR122 (https://doi.org/10.15862/07ECOR122)
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For citation:
Sharokhina S.V. Organization of management decision-making control in the enterprise information system. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2022; 9(1). Available at: https://resources.today/PDF/07ECOR122.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/07ECOR122
Organization of management decision-making control in the enterprise information system
Sharokhina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Samara State University of Economics
Syzran branch, Syzran, Russia
E-mail: sharokhinatv@gmail.com
Abstract. The article argues that some new technologies, taking into account the reconstruction of business processes, for example, business process redesign (BPR) and Total Quality Management (TQM), as well as the distribution of responsibility, improve the process of making managerial decisions. The implementation of such technologies should encourage workers, who are at the lower levels of the organizational structure, to be responsible for solving problems, and in many cases make their own decisions. The author substantiates the logic of the study of a systematic approach to the organization of control in the adoption of managerial ones by the fact that the control function is part of the management process (planning, organization, motivation, accounting and control); the control function cannot be studied as an analytical component, the purpose of which is to assess the level of implementation of planned targets. Based on a systematic approach, as well as on the analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers, the author argues that outside the control process, as a condition for its implementation, there are organizational, methodological and information support and, as a manifestation of the latter, setting the parameters of the state of controlled objects. In this regard, it was concluded that a systematic approach to the organization of control can be considered as a set of the following components: determining the range of subjects, their structuring and systematization of objects of control; substantiation of the purpose and objectives of the activity; determination of legal, regulatory support of activities; systematization of sources of information support, organization of nomenclatures, material carriers of the control process; substantiation of the basic principles of the organization of the control process; highlighting the main stages of the control process, that is, the general construction of the control process; organization of the technology of the control process, that is, its methodological support; determination of technical support for control actions.
Keywords: control; management decision; manager’s decision; administrative control; economic control; systemic approach; control process; delegation of authority; analysis
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ISSN 2500-0659 (Online)
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