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DOI: 10.15862/07ECOR123 (https://doi.org/10.15862/07ECOR123)
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For citation:
Lyashchuk Yu.O., Sattarova I.V. Current trends in the financial solvency of the population. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2023; 10(1). Available at: https://resources.today/PDF/07ECOR123.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/07ECOR123
Current trends in the financial solvency of the population
Lyashchuk Yuliya Olegovna
Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: ularzn@mail.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3612-1707
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=677729
Sattarova Irina Valerievna
Moscow Witte University
Branch in Ryazan, Ryazan, Russia
E-mail: sattarova.i.v@mail.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8008-6163
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=557370
Abstract. The article reflects the results of the analysis of the current state of affairs in the sphere of financial viability of the population of our country. In recent years, the expansion of the practice of lending to individuals has led not only to the emergence of more financial opportunities for the population to carry out monetary transactions, but also to an increase in accounts payable to banks and an increase in the amount of overdue payments. The analysis made it possible to conclude that every year the amount of loans grows in proportion to the amount of debt, which creates fertile ground for an increase in the number of precedents for the bankruptcy of individuals. Over a ten-year period, the debt on loans granted to individuals has increased dramatically, moreover, the analysis of the dynamics allows us to conclude that debt has grown steadily over the past ten years. Thus, at present, a situation has developed in which the legal regulation of the sphere of bankruptcy of individuals in our country has been worked out in less detail than the legislative procedures governing the bankruptcy of legal entities. In this connection, the procedure for regulating processes for recognizing the financial insolvency of an individual needs a large-scale study and consideration both from a legal point of view and from the economic component of regulating the lending market for citizens.
Keywords: solvency; mortgage lending; lending to individuals; bank debt
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2500-0659 (Online)
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