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DOI: 10.15862/23INOR419 (https://doi.org/10.15862/23INOR419)
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For citation:
Yudanova V.V. Imitating modeling of mass service systems. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2019; 6(4). Available at: https://resources.today/PDF/23INOR419.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/23INOR419
Imitating modeling of mass service systems
Yudanova Vera Valer’evna
North-Eastern federal university named after M.K. Ammosov
Technical institute (branch), Neryungri, Russia
E-mail: udanov_sb@mail.ru
Abstract. The theory of мass service systems is applied in many areas of human activity – economy, strategic tasks, computer science and technology, problems of natural science, etc. Analytical methods for the study of mass service systems allow you to get only a set of certain characteristics of the parameters of the object under study. Imitating modeling methods make it possible not only to build visual models of the functioning of complex systems with any degree of detail, but also to implement various types of computational algorithms for data processing and analysis. The theoretical aspects of the use of imitating models in the theory of mass service are described in the literature extensively, but not systematically, the issues of using modern software and computing tools in modeling problems of such systems are presented only by a few sources. In this article the author reveals introductory questions in the use of the concept of discrete-event type of imitating modeling as the main tool of research of discrete objects with stochastic character of functioning. A comparison is made of elements of queuing systems and components of a discrete event model. The examples of solving practical tasks on modeling single-channel and multi-channel queuing systems examine the capabilities of the Anylogic imitating modeling environment: a process modeling library with the ability to collect and present statistical data, programming elements to expand the model’s functionality, implement an object-oriented approach in the structure of the model itself and in the tools of the developer. The imitating modeling results are analyzed using an simple experiment in Anylogic as an example.
Keywords: mass service systems; request; imitating modeling; discrete-event approach; software modeling systems; object-oriented approach; agent

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