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DOI: 10.15862/66ECOR123 (https://doi.org/10.15862/66ECOR123)
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For citation:
Matsegor A.Yu. Assessment of the role of tourism in the development of regional economies and local communities. Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling. 2023; 10(1). Available at: https://resources.today/PDF/66ECOR123.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/66ECOR123
Assessment of the role of tourism in the development of regional economies and local communities
Matsegor Anton Yurievich
Russian University of Cooperation, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: ma.cegor@yandex.ru
Academic adviser: Suglobov Aleksandr Evgenʹevich
Russian University of Cooperation, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: a_suglobov@mail.ru
Abstract. In this scientific article, the author conducts a deeper analysis of the role of tourism in the development of regional economies and local communities. In his study, the author draws attention to many factors that influence this process and shows that tourism can become a significant source of income for the regional economy. One of the important factors that the author considers is the economic impact of tourism on the region. In his study, the author shows that tourism can attract more investment in the infrastructure of the region, create new jobs and contribute to the development of various sectors of the economy. In addition, tourists can become significant consumers of local products and services, which helps support local businesses and increase local incomes. The author also draws attention to the social consequences of tourism. Tourism can become a source of cultural exchange and contribute to the improvement of intercultural understanding and tolerance. Tourism can also help to preserve traditions and historical monuments, which in turn contributes to the preservation of the national and cultural identity of local communities. However, the author also points out that tourism can lead to overpopulation and increased environmental pollution. In addition, the author notes that tourism can have a significant contribution to job creation in the hospitality and tourism industry, which is one of the most dynamic industries in different regions. This may be especially important in regions with high unemployment or insufficient jobs. The author notes that in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to manage and control the process of developing domestic tourism, as well as taking into account the possible negative consequences of the impact of tourism on the region.
Keywords: domestic tourism; state support; tourism industry; tourism development program; cultural heritage; regional economy; recreational activities; regional development; economic growth; national economy
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ISSN 2500-0659 (Online)
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