2019, Volume 6, Issue 2
Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling
2019, Volume 6, Issue 2
• Aliev R.A., Anikin D.V. Prospects of the development of the solar energy industry on the territory of the former water area of the Aral Sea
Identification number of article: 07ECOR219
• Arustamov E.A., Volgin A.V., Krylov P.M., Shilʹnov A.A. Status and development prospects of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Buryatia
Identification number of article: 17ECOR219
• Vasilev A.N., Mordovchenkov N.V. Separate waste collection in the operation of commercial real estate as a mechanism to improve the economic efficiency of service organizations
Identification number of article: 01ECOR219
• Golovachyova I.V. Environmental and geographic-historical aspects expansion analysis of burial places in Moscow
Identification number of article: 15ECOR219
• Egorova D.A. The economic effect of biogas-based cogeneration
Identification number of article: 06ECOR219
• Zharov V.G., Maximov A.V., Sumzina L.V. Analysis of resource-saving methods of increasing the service life of bearing supports of washing and squeezing machines and technological equipment of public utilities and consumer services
Identification number of article: 09ECOR219
• Kambulova E.A., Popov V.G. Processing of waste oil products to obtain secondary material resources
Identification number of article: 04ECOR219
• Matveeva E.A., Simagina S.G. Model analysis and optimization of operating rates of enterprises with small-series production type
Identification number of article: 16ECOR219
• Matevosova K.L., Gryaznova V.A., Chazov T.K. Environmental problems and sustainable development of aluminium industry
Identification number of article: 11ECOR219
• Osipov V.A., Akhmedov K.Z. State regulation and investment support at the regional level: Kaluga region experience
Identification number of article: 08ECOR219
• Nikita S.S., Gareeva Z.A., Musin R.A., Khasanova E.R., Shaikhmetov R.Z., Fattakhov M.M. Investigation of the effectiveness of new construction materials in road constructions
Identification number of article: 14ECOR219
• Chulkov V.O. Imitation of multiposical collective messaging in individual thinking
Identification number of article: 02ECOR219
• Shadrin Ia.G., Kuznetsova E.V. Ecological and economic efficiency of household waste disposal
Identification number of article: 10ECOR219