2023, Volume 10, Issue s1
Russian journal of resources, conservation and recycling
2023, Volume 10, Issue s1
• Abdurakhmanova A.L. Current characteristics of project management of state budget expenditures
Identification number of article: 11FAOR123
• Amonov A.Kh., Ratnik A.Kh. Ensuring information security in order to preserve the national interests of Russia at the beginning of the 21st century
Identification number of article: 01FAOR123
• Bagdasaryan G.F. Ways to attract investment in green companies in Russia
Identification number of article: 06FAOR123
• Volostrigova D.S. Actual directions of modernization of the mechanism of the internal control service
Identification number of article: 04FAOR123
• Golikov V.V. The influence of the shadow economy on the integrity of the economic system from the position of national economic security
Identification number of article: 18FAOR123
• Gorbatko E.S., Zhadnov A.I. Investment projects of Russia within the framework of the EAEU: problems and prospects
Identification number of article: 14FAOR123
• Dubrovskaya A.A. Actual features of ensuring the economic security of food industry enterprises
Identification number of article: 10FAOR123
• Zakoyan G.A. Some aspects of the impact of business environmental friendliness on its economic security
Identification number of article: 09FAOR123
• Zurkanaev A.I. Analysis of the application of the internal control system on the example of an economic entity
Identification number of article: 05FAOR123
• Kalinin D.M., Drobyshev I.R. The use of graph analysis in building a company’s marketing and investment strategy on the example of «Aiteco»
Identification number of article: 08FAOR123
• Kashcheev D.V., Mishchenko I.A. Features of the process of ensuring personnel security on the example of the spa industry
Identification number of article: 13FAOR123
• Klyazmin V.I., Egorkin S.V. Proposals for organizing the work of the design department of a manufacturing enterprise
Identification number of article: 03FAOR123
• Kobzev E.A. Directions for improving methods for reducing risks and their damage during conflicts in organizations
Identification number of article: 15FAOR123
• Litvin A.Yu. Features of social policy in the aspect of socio-economic security of the state
Identification number of article: 12FAOR123
• Lifanovskaya O.V., Taranova Yu.D., Ivanova A.E. Risks of human rights violations while ensuring the working conditions of employees at the enterprise
Identification number of article: 07FAOR123
• Slesarev D.K. Impact of corruption risks on the economic security of an automobile dealership
Identification number of article: 02FAOR123
• Turgaeva A.A., Turgaev S.K., Zemtsova M.E. Schematic selection for an intermediate coolant system
Identification number of article: 17FAOR123
• Turgaev S.K., Turgaeva A.A., Voronin I.V. Increasing the energy efficiency of an indirect refrigeration system through automation
Identification number of article: 16FAOR123